I'm in the process of building up this new blog, so yes, it looks very bland at the moment. The good news is that we have something awesome to look forward to!
A blog/website dedicated to combining my two loves: dance and all things "geek". Defining the art of dance is easy. It's art through movement. Defining the "geek culture" can be a bit subjective. When I say "geek", I'm basically referring to any TV show, movie, video game, or web series (etc.) that a group of people would "geek out" about/or be enthusiastic about. A person can geek out about almost anything. In the same sense, a a person can geek out about dance. I sure have! What's interesting about dance is that it not only has it's own realm, but it can be found in other media as well.
Therefore, the main goal of this site will be to feature various interesting dance facts (dance history, featured choreography, choreographers, current professional dancers, dance concerts/ballets/shows, tips, etc.) and also discuss instances in which dance has blended with other media (dance in video games, movies, TV shows, books, etc.).
Dance is very important to me and I also believe it's more important in society than one may think. I want to be able to share that with the world by showing how beautiful and fluid it is. Dance is everywhere! Let's dive in!
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